US Embassy Officials Announce Faster Visa Processing | 10,000 Applications Monthly

US Embassy Officials Announce Faster Visa Processing

Islamabad: The US Embassy officials said on Wednesday that over 10,000 US visa applications are processed every month, with the processing time now half of what it was last year.

Talking with media representatives, embassy officials stated that 2023 saw the largest visa volume from the US Embassy in Islamabad and the Karachi Consulate. (Due to an increase in Pakistani visa applications, this number will surpass that of the previous year by October 2024).

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The primary cause of the delays in processing visa applications is the unique review of each one. There was an application processing crisis in September of last year, they stated, because the processing time had increased to 440 days.

They stated that the time after implementing emergency measures was shortened to 237 days and would be further shortened.

According to officials, the rules governing visas have not changed. There has only been a reduction in processing time.

Due to the officials, more visa officers have been assigned to expedite the processing of applications.

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They informed reporters that students applying for study visas are given priority in the visa division. Re-interviews are not required of applicants who have already received a visa, according to Embassy officials.

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