Canadian Passport Holders Visa Free Access to Countries in 2024

Canadian Passport Holders Visa Free Access to Countries in 2024

Canadian passport holders possess one of the most powerful passports in the world. which allows entry into various countries without a visa upon arrival or by a single country.

If you have a Canadian passport You can travel freely during holidays or on a whim. Ranked as the 7th most powerful passport in 2024 by the Henley Passport Index.

The article also contains important travel tips to guarantee a comfortable trip, as well as a list of places Canadian passport holders can visit visa-free in 2024.

Check Also: Canada Increases Visa Rejections Amid Stricter Entry Requirements for Foreign Nationals

Why is a Canadian Passport so Valuable?

By not having to apply for a visa on a large scale Canadian passports are therefore ranked among the top ten in global passport strength rankings.

By 2024, Canadian passport holders will be able to travel to nearly 180 countries without needing a visa in advance. Visa on arrival or e-travel authorization.

This is made possible by Canada’s excellent diplomatic relations with many countries. as well as public confidence in security and immigration procedures.

Policy Types for Canadian Passport Holders of Entry:

It’s important to comprehend the many kinds of admission restrictions that Canadian people may run into before perusing the entire list:

Visa-Free: Before or during arrival, no visa is needed. Canadian passport holders are exempt from documentation requirements when entering the country for a set time.

Visa on Arrival: Travellers with Canadian passports will be issued a visa at the airport or point of entry, negating the need to apply ahead of time.

Travel Authorisation Electronically (eTA): Canadian passport holders must apply online for an eTA, or digital visa waiver, before visiting specific nations.

Visa Required: Canadians visiting certain countries are still required to obtain a visa in advance, usually from the consulate or embassy of that nation.

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Complete List of Countries for Canadian Passport Holders Without Visas (2024):

Countries that do not require a visa (with or without time limits):

    Visa-Free/90 Days:

    • Albania
    • Andorra
    • Angola
    • Argentina
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Bolivia
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Botswana
    • Brazil
    • Bulgaria
    • Chile
    • Colombia
    • Costa Rica
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Czech Republic
    • Denmark
    • Ecuador
    • El Salvador
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • France
    • Gambia
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Grenada
    • Guatemala
    • Guyana
    • Haiti
    • Honduras
    • Hong Kong
    • Hungary
    • Iceland
    • Ireland
    • Israel
    • Italy
    • Japan
    • Kosovo
    • Latvia
    • Liechtenstein
    • Lithuania
    • Luxembourg
    • Malaysia
    • Malta
    • Mauritius
    • Moldova
    • Monaco
    • Montenegro
    • Morocco
    • Namibia
    • Netherlands
    • Nicaragua
    • North Macedonia
    • Norway
    • Panama
    • Paraguay
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • South Africa
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Taiwan
    • Ukraine
    • Uruguay
    • Vatican City

    Visa-Free/180 Days:

    • Antigua and Barbuda
    • Bahamas
    • Barbados
    • Dominica
    • Mexico
    • Panama
    • Peru
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • United Kingdom

    Visa-Free/240 Days:

    • Bahamas

    Visa-Free/120 Days:

    • Fiji
    • Kiribati
    • Tunisia

    Visa-Free/90 Days:

    • Suriname
    • Kiribati
    • Tunisia

    Visa-Free/60 Days:

    • Samoa

    Visa-Free/42 Days:

    • Saint Lucia

    Visa-Free/30 Days:

    • Belarus
    • Brunei
    • Cape Verde
    • Eswatini
    • Kazakhstan
    • Micronesia
    • Mongolia
    • Philippines
    • Qatar
    • Sao Tome and Principe
    • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
    • Tajikistan
    • Thailand
    • Uzbekistan
    • Vanuatu

    Visa on Arrival / eVisa


    • Armenia
    • Azerbaijan
    • Bhutan
    • Cambodia
    • Cameroon
    • Congo (Dem. Rep.)
    • Cuba
    • Ethiopia
    • Equatorial Guinea
    • Gabon
    • Guinea
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Kuwait
    • Laos
    • Lebanon
    • Libya
    • Madagascar
    • Malawi
    • Nigeria
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Rwanda
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Suriname
    • Syria
    • Tanzania
    • Turkey
    • Uganda
    • Viet Nam
    • Zambia

      Visa on Arrival:

      • Bahrain
      • Bangladesh
      • Burkina Faso
      • Burundi
      • Comoros
      • Egypt
      • Gabon
      • Ghana
      • Guinea-Bissau
      • Indonesia
      • Iraq
      • Jordan
      • Kenya
      • Kuwait
      • Laos
      • Lebanon
      • Madagascar
      • Malawi
      • Maldives
      • Mauritania
      • Mozambique
      • Nepal
      • Oman
      • Palau
      • Papua New Guinea
      • Rwanda
      • Samoa
      • Saudi Arabia
      • Seychelles
      • Solomon Islands
      • Somalia
      • Tanzania
      • Timor-Leste
      • Togo
      • Tonga
      • Tuvalu
      • United Arab Emirates
      • Zambia
      • Zimbabwe

      Visa Required:

      • Afghanistan
      • Algeria
      • Central African Republic
      • Chad
      • China
      • Congo
      • Eritrea
      • Liberia
      • Mali
      • Nauru
      • Niger
      • North Korea
      • Russia
      • Sudan
      • Macau
      • Turkmenistan
      • Venezuela
      • Yemen

        Special Requirements / Permits

        eTA Required:

        • Australia
        • New Zealand
        • South Korea
        • Kenya

        Tourist Registration:

        • Seychelles

        A Canadian passport allows entry to nearly 180 countries around the world. Including South America, Asia and Africa.

        This facilitates travel and business in new places. However, immigration rules may change. Therefore, please check with the appropriate consulate or embassy before travelling.

        Pack your bags. Follow the latest news and take advantage of the ease of traveling with a Canadian passport.

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        Which Nations Accept Canadian Passports Without Requiring a Visa?

        Visa-Free/90 Days:

        1. Albania
        2. Andorra
        3. Argentina
        4. Austria
        5. Belgium
        6. Bolivia
        7. Bosnia and Herzegovina
        8. Botswana
        9. Brazil
        10. Bulgaria
        11. Chile
        12. Colombia
        13. Costa Rica
        14. Croatia
        15. Cyprus
        16. Czech Republic
        17. Denmark
        18. Ecuador
        19. El Salvador
        20. Estonia
        21. Finland
        22. France
        23. Gambia
        24. Germany
        25. Greece
        26. Grenada
        27. Guatemala
        28. Guyana
        29. Haiti
        30. Honduras
        31. Hong Kong
        32. Hungary
        33. Iceland
        34. Ireland
        35. Israel
        36. Italy
        37. Japan
        38. Kosovo
        39. Latvia
        40. Liechtenstein
        41. Lithuania
        42. Luxembourg
        43. Malaysia
        44. Malta
        45. Mauritius
        46. Moldova
        47. Monaco
        48. Montenegro
        49. Morocco
        50. Namibia
        51. Netherlands
        52. Nicaragua
        53. Northern Macedonia
        54. Norway
        55. Panama
        56. Paraguay
        57. Poland
        58. Portugal
        59. Romania
        60. Saint Kitts and Nevis
        61. Slovakia
        62. Slovenia
        63. South Africa
        64. Spain
        65. Sweden
        66. Switzerland
        67. Taiwan
        68. Ukraine
        69. Uruguay
        70. Vatican City

        Visa-Free/180 Days: Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and the United Kingdom

        Bahamas: 240 days without a visa

        Visa-free for 120 days: Kiribati, Tunisia, and Fiji

        Samoa: 60 days without a visa

        Saint Lucia: 42 days/no visa required

        Belarus, Brunei, Cape Verde, Eswatini, Kazakhstan, Micronesia, Mongolia, the Philippines, and Sao Tomé and Príncipe. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, and Visa-Free/30 Days

        Free of Visa (EASE): Cape Verde

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